
Best walking poles

8 tips to choose the best walking poles

For a long time, I walked without poles. But a meeting with a mountain rescuer opened my eyes to this accessory often considered useless. Since then, whenever I've got a rucksack on my back, I never leave without my poles, and it's really changed...

Travel guide and resources

This practical travel guide is the conclusion of a long journey. By travelling all over the world and making trips to remote places, we’ve built up a wealth of experience in organizing trips. Lilla specialises in city trips, cultural tours, etc., while Samy specialises in long treks and wilderness trips.

In this category, we share this experience and resources on specific subjects. We share both good tips and mistakes to avoid, to help you prepare for your trip.

Finally, don’t hesitate to write to us if you’re planning a trip – we’d be delighted to discuss it with you. You can also write to us, just to say hello, it’s always a pleasure! :)